Event – Family Week

Date – 5 th July to 8 th July 2022
Attendees – Sr.KG A 36/38, Sr. KG B 33/39 and Sr. KG C 35/39.

“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.” – George Santayana

Family plays a crucial role in a child’s life. Strong parent child relationships help children develop a sense of security.

The students of Sr. KG celebrated Family Week from 5 th July to 8 th July 2022.

The objective of this special event was to celebrate the essence of being a family and to enable the students to provide a sense of
belonging and a unique identity to them.

The parents were glad to see the classroom routine of their children which began with the school prayer and national anthem followed by
thought for the day, Amazing Fact, Circle Time and reading activity.

The students along with their parents made a decorative handprint card. A special message was written by each parent for their beloved
child. In addition to this, handprints of parent and child were drawn in the sketchbook and coloured beautifully by our little Vikheites.

It was a pleasure to see the parents spending quality time with their loved ones by enthusiastically participating in the fun filled activities.

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