Activity: Christmas is real, Fun is Surreal

Venue-Respective classrooms
Type-Individual activity

The Christmas festival has cultural and religious spirit, which is incomplete without the colorful and magnificent décor, Christmas tree, Santa Claus etc. The fervor of Christmas makes everyone enjoy to their fullest. December month is always full of excitement with winter coming and bringing Santa Claus to our homes. Children are excited for new gifts and varieties of chocolates. But what attracts more is the beautiful decoration which takes away the charm of this festival. Christmas is incomplete without these decorations. With the atmosphere filled in the air class 6 enjoyed decorating their classrooms with beautiful Santa socks, Christmas wreath, snowman hat ornaments, Christmas trees and hats and many more. It was a great delight for the eyes to see those wonderful creations, which showed that if given freedom with a pinch of guidance children can do wonders. Each class had taken initiative to make their class as the best, which also showed their team work and cooperation.

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