Report on Kaleidoscope- Interdisciplinary Exhibition

Hide not your talents, they for use were made,
What’s a sundial in the shade?”
― Benjamin Franklin

To encourage students to explore and integrate multiple perspectives from different disciplines and areas, an annual interdisciplinary exhibition titled’ Kaleidoscope’ was organized by the middle school on the 21st of February, 2023. The chief guest for the programme was Dr. Manoj Narawade, Trustee and Secretary of Vikhe Patil Foundation. The inauguration of the exhibition took place at 8.30 am in the atrium at the hands of the chief guest. The exhibits were displayed at three different venues according to the subjects namely the skating area, seminar hall and AV room. The skating area displayed all the artwork created by the students. The seminar hall showcased an array of models and exhibits related to science, mathematics, robotics. The language and social science exhibits presented in the AV room added color and vigor to the exhibition. Students from middle school were encouraged to participate and present exhibits, static or working models, charts, clay models pertaining to their area of interest . Some of the exhibits include the Gravitationally Thrusted Transportation System, Newton’s Cradle, Cycle Washing Machine, Kangaroo Hopper, Arduino Dustbin, Equation Brain Teasers, Pyramid Game, Solar system, Settlements, Vision Boards, The Language Wall etc. Few of the activity clubs such as the Eco Club, the Robotics Club, the Space And Astronomy Club presented their best work and contribution by students.

The best of the artwork created by the students throughout the year were also on display. The Sports Department had organized a few interesting games for the parents, students and teachers alike. All the participating students displayed their models/ exhibits related to science, math, robotics, social science, languages, etc. Our Chief Guest, Dr.Narawade, along with our Principal Ms.Mrinalini, keenly observed and speculated the different models designed by the students and assessed the descriptions given by the students. Parents visited, observed and appreciated the efforts put up by the students. A feedback book was kept for the visitors and patrons to record their comments and feedback.

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