Parenting Session Report

Title- Proficient Parenting
Date- 8 th July 2023
Speaker- Ms.Mrunmayee Harshe

“It is easier to build up a child than to repair an adult”- Matthew Jacobson

Parents play the most pivotal role in the shaping of a child’s personality. To help them deal with their growing children, their tantrums, demands, needs, desires and dreams, a session on “Proficient Parenting” was conducted by the school counselor Ms.Mrunmayee Harshe.

The parents received handwritten letters from their children as soon as they entered. This was an activity conducted a week prior to the session for the students in their classes, where in, students had to write on, “I wish my parents knew ……” Parents were very happy to receive these letters by their wards. This was done so as to strengthen the connect with their children.

The session began with a reflective activity followed by understanding of the psychological growth in the middle childhood. Further, some very important points to remember while parenting were discussed. The speaker threw light on importance of being empathetic and honest in parenting with growing children. Things to do and things to avoid were explained in detail with relevant examples. Giving attention, Scaffolding, making wise use of authority, role modeling and importance of apologizing were few other fundamental principles of parenting that were discussed. Parents were made to understand the importance of being emotionally available to the child in the pre-adolescent age in
order to have a joyful adolescence.

The session ended with another reflective activity to help parents introspect and realize their own faults in parenting with their children.
This activity left a lot of parents teary eyed. Post this activity many queries from parents were addressed by the speaker. Feedback session
was very interactive and parents expressed their appreciation for conducting this much needed workshop at the beginning of the year.

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