Thank you card Making Activity By Grade I

Keeping this adage in mind, the students of grade 1 made ‘Thank you Cards’ for the helpers of our school. The students were explained how important these people are important for our school and how the school runs smoothly because of them. Our students made beautiful cards for our helpers to express their gratitude and love towards them. They enjoyed doing the activity and learnt the value – ‘to respect all’.
‘Respect’ which is one of the core values of our school was instilled very well through this activity in our little ones.

Bird Feeder Making by Grade II

“I don’t feed the birds because they need me; I feed the birds because I need them.” – Kathi Hutton

Birds like all animals need food, water and shelter for survival. Hence, to make students aware of the various species of birds living in their neighbourhood and to encourage them to interact with nature by providing birds with food and water when it is difficult for them to find food, a ‘Bird Feeder Making’ activity was conducted as the activity of the month for the students of Grade 2 on Friday, 20th January
Students were asked to get eco-friendly and recycled materials for the activity. They made beautiful birdfeeders with their own innovative ideas by using different materials in their respective classes during the activity. This activity was an attempt to help students understand the importance of caring for animals. The students had a great time and found the activity to be really engaging. Students were encouraged to
take the bird feeder home and hang in their balcony or backyard and feed birds during various seasons.

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