Ninth Grader from Vikhe Patil Memorial School Pune Invents Game DevelopingTool and Game

Tanmay Deshmukh, a 9th grade student from Vikhe Patil Memorial School Pune, has created an ingenious prototype of an Android mobile game as well as a game development tool through which he earns revenue in dollars every month, using the
Unity game engine. His journey towards all this is indeed riveting.

In the summer of 2020, when he was 11, he chose 3D programming as a course on CampK12, a children's course service because it involved making games and Tanmay was always curious about how games he played were made. The course taught him basic 3D properties and JavaScript He found the course very engaging and developed an interest towards the 3D and gaming area.

In the next few months, he hopped on to Unity, a professional game engine and began watching tutorials on YouTube to learn game development at a basic level. Following them, he made his first game. He learnt that one could place floors, walls
and ramps wherever one wanted, one could also move around and shoot using a gun.

At 13 years, he decided to make his own professional game after getting 1.5 years of experience. He developed the movement system for this game following tutorials, combining them with his own methods to make the ideal player movement. It
became his goal to turn this into a tool for fellow game developers. He took the efforts and listed it on the official Unity Asset Store for 5 dollars. After 7 months, and little to no marketing, he made 200 dollars from the asset, a great achievement for a

In the summer of 9th grade, he wanted to transpose a real-world game onto the screen. He chose to go with the sport of Bowling. He could develop the physics system with ease but when he reached the perplexing bowling scoring system; he
reached a low point in development. It was so challenging that he thought of giving up on creating the game altogether. But, after a break of one month, he again started working with fresh ideas. He was finally progressing at a fast pace. On May 28, he
posted his game named Pinomenal Bowling on the store. So far, it has over 550 views and 150 downloads from 30 + countries.

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